Friday, May 13, 2011

I havent been blogging because im going crazy here wthout the love of my life not being around and I hate blogging ha!

Well Michelle challenged me to do the 30day Paleo challenge with her and i accepted and started the next morning, I was gonna start when Jesse left anyway but theres no sense in waiting, if your gonna wait to start something its cause your not sticking to it.

So here we are a week away from finishing it and I've cheated once and if that it wasn't that bad its was peanuts and a few chocolate chips, i cant believe i haven't put anyhting artificial in my body, and all gluten free. WOW, yes i do crave sometimes but for the first time in my life its controlled its not overwhelming, and when i cave i have lots of watermelon or a couple larabars.
I feel great and i know and am convinced this is going to be a lifestyle for me. Ive erased the thought of cheating in my mind and if i really want something i will have it, but i don't feel like ill crave bad things. I'm probably gonna go out for diner and eat meat and veggies and probably not desert, i thought about it but its not what I'm craving, I'm gonna have a coffee with lots of fake splenda in it and cream, oh and diet coke! THOSE 2 thing have been my weakness, oh and that morning I'm gonna wake up and drink those ridiculous size of sugar free red bull ( more artificial) and that's about it, i think i might make me some coconut ice cream.

YEAH YEAH boring!
Started at 179lbs

to date im at 168.5lbs im not surprised with the loss because i have more to loose but my strenght is gone up, so its good loss.

Ill take my after pic on the 30th day and post

WOD today ( this is why i posted verse at top)

I love to lift heavy and haven't been doing it enough, its really hard mentally for me to push all the way alone in my little garage.


BS 185
DL 225
sp 75


i couldn't go up in sp cause i don't have the numbers for it but next time id like to hit 500


Unknown said...

wow Nat! Way to go!!!

D. Frazier said...

Wow Nat. Haha just noticed I said the same as Michelle.