Sunday, August 30, 2009

havent been in the past couple of days been under the weather, actually by now i thought this cough would have gone away so off to the Docs tomorrow just getting worse.

Friday, August 28, 2009

This morning i ran/walked 3miles with girls in stroller, got to use my neighbors stroller, makes me regret selling mine.



ghd and back extensions


last time was just a little over 14min, if it wasnt for me breathign fire over my kids i could have made better time on it.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Early afternoon: 8min sprint 30on/30off Legs felt heavy on this than ran 1mile at 9min pace.

Back Squat


could have kept going but legs feeling like jelly!

Would have liked to do Nate, and i woudl have been able to do it fast i think but not sure it was a good idea, was only 2 pull up and 2 ring dips instead of muscle ups!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Had therapy early this morning, went swiming with the girls (well i just sat in water while they played.

Feeling allot of pain in my shoulder from this morning.
Therapist cannot diagnose me but his opinion is that he wouldn't be surprised if I get an MRI and they do a minor shoulder surgery with very minimal recovery is needed.
Everything hurts, carrying my kids, push ups, turning the wheel on the truck..everything. Im beyond frustrated and my legs are smoked from running or sprinting or doing lots of squatting. Well see where this all goes.

Here are things im not supposed to be doing:

No overhead weighted, nothing above 10lbs ( or with noweight and high reps instead)
no kips, im allowed to do assisted strict pull ups

I was doing ok wiht push ups but when i can feel bone on bone rubing its starting to be very painful taking them, im surviving by the steroid patched the therapist gives me to bring down the swellen with the naproxen im taking.


Morning had therapy then did 8 min sprint of 30on/30off pm did

(didn't go any heavier cause this felt heavy)



next time ill finish up with singles, had kiddos with me I had some disciplinary actions to attend too.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

DID 4x400 sprints with 800m run to warm up, went to Track with Michelle and Riley, all rounds around 2:00 to 2:08. I soo used to sprinting for time like 30secs so this was harder for me.

THen went to gym on post did


Front Squats and GHD (did regular situps cause machine was not available)

I did it in 9:57 and with 65lbs i was planing on doing 85 or 95 but cant drop weight there, and had a friend with me who has been want to do a Crossfit workout so she was pretty smoked, its nice to see people be amazed at how much work it actually is.

Now for some doing nothing at home time with no kids!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Thursday Rest day I took a class at the Y


did 7min sprint and ran 2 miles after that trying to incorporate a few tips I got from Michelle about Pose running and that didn't work too well only barefoot im able to really almost get it.

Been really sore lately I'm kinda worried maybe its overtraining or not feeding my body enough for what I'm doing, so i have been trying to take it easy, been to therapy 2 days in a row and that doesn't seem to help just feels like my shoulders are broken, Ive been doing allot more weighted exercise to strenghten the supporting muscle of the shoulders, especially my rear delts, from what the therapist says i have a very un portioned upper body, carrying allot of muscle in my back and not much shouler muscle ( i got upset basically saying my arms are too small lol).

We talked about allot of things and the exercises im doing are not easy, like push ups on the bosu ball with one hand on ball and one on floor alternating, my left shoulder is so bad it has given up on me a few times, so im gonne give up a few things, while trying to strenghten certain parts.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

5k row on tuesday early before gym got busy23:10

I really was trying hard to sprint the last bit but the strap on my foot was loose and Sylvia walked in and i asked her to strap it more like yelled at her lol, but was too late, trying to up the intensity on my rowing to build back some back strenght, did it on level 10.

Today im really feeling those snatches, for arms and traps are really sore. Thanks for the rest day, will probably do some walking with my girls tonight with stroller.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Took weekend off

Did 7min sprints 30on/30off getting harder

pm: did Power Snatch

5x10 65lbs

Friday, August 14, 2009

Yesterday and Today

Yesterday did 5k alt

27:47 but i did my 7min 30on/30off and ran the rest so my time would have been allot slower

Today did front squats

maxed out at 152, tried 155 (f)

Taking the wweekend off!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Few days

Last WOD I did was tabbata on sunday got 265 on that

Monday did DL no maxing just reps


Tuesday did 6min 30on/30off sprints


WELL did the same above sprints (doing those 3 dys a weeks increasing 1 mion each week)
I gotta say im at a plateau because Ive been eating poorly well not poorly just higher quantity my appetite is out of control and i got off track from what i was doing, thankfully the printing ive beendoing is balancing it out but thats defenitely not what im trying to do.

I went in today thinking about doing Linda which is my Favorite WOD, and when i tested out the bench i knew it wasnt happening that wieght digging into my shoulder would have screwed myself, soooooooooooooo not wanting to loose motivation i was itching all day and tonight i went to Estep on post at 630 for on hour and free day care not sure what i was gonna do, and there was a bootcamp class thinking this cant kick my butt like Crossfit, welllllll thats exactly what it was,

6min warm up on spinning bikes

then run 1 mile ( im proud to say i was right behind 2 army guys who were in pretty good shape)
then sprints in teams
then nack inside for some football drill were you drop down every 30 secs and do 5 burpees (ugh)
bear crawl then tunr over and bridge walk.
walking side squats

and a bunch of other stuff, i was surprised at first i was really sweating but it got me in the end, wasnt out of breath, so im happy with my performance, i may not be able to go heavy with the weight for awhile but at least ive gotten allot faster, i was really surprised at myself for running that mile so fast and lots of people were way behind me i havent ran longer than a couple of miles in awhile. Felt good!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Did 5 min 30on/30off

Sprint as hard as I can, next week i move up too 6 mins, getting really hard now i even think the last round im not gonna make it.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Weight update


Body fat 24% compared to a month ago exactly was 26%, that is still high, hopefully trying not too get under 140lbs but drop my bf too 18% so hopefully that means maintaining muscle and maybe adding a little more. Getting tricky to eat, im defenitly needing more calories with the sprinting im doing im feeling starved all the time like i can eat all day.
12th july 17:20

today 14:30 (seconds might be off)

5 rounds

30 ghd sit ups
25 back ext

last time i defenitly rested way too much

this time i think i went too fast the first 3 rounds.

Ran 20min interval at on treadmill at community center.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

yesterday did BS


did 10x3 pull ups (kips) haven't done these in awhile trying to avoid the shoulder but wanted to make sure i still had it.

did wanna go any further cause that 195 felt heavy and i didnt wanna face failure and not get close to my old PR, have lost a little strenght since adding more sprinting.


was thinking to do Fran, but decided to call it a WOD rest today, i have been really sore, not sure if its the squats or the sprinting, and my back and arm are sore from pull ups probably cause it had been awhile, yesterday with the pull ups i felt light as a bird and today when i tried i felt like i was twice my weight, just from being so sore, was nice to se the night crew.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Satuday took an active rest, been having a hard time with my kiddos so wasnt in the mood to be in the gym with them around and getting frustrated with them.

So i did 15min

10 squat jumps
10 pushups



4min 30sec on/30sec off

sprinting ( below is what im gonna try to fininsh it really sucks after the 3rd minute so im curious to see how ill build up that endurance, so far its a smoker, i just wanna try and finish this, im notorious for starting but never finishing)

Table 1
HIIT Workout 1 HIIT Workout 2 HIIT Workout 3
Week 1 One 4-minute cycle
(as shown in Table 2) One 4-minute cycle
(same as previous workout) One 5-minute cycle
(add one 30-second sprint and one 30-second jog)
Week 2 One 5-minute cycle
(same as previous workout) One 5-minute cycle
(add one 30-second sprint and one 30-second jog) One 6-minute cycle
(same as previous workout)
Week 3 One 7-minute cycle
(add one 30-second sprint and one 30-second jog) One 7-minute cycle
(same as previous workout) One 8-minute cycle
(add one 30-second sprint and one 30-second jog)
Week 4 One 8-minute cycle
(same as previous workout) One 9-minute cycle
(add one 30-second sprint and one 30-second jog) One 9-minute cycle
(same as previous workout)
Week 5 One 10-minute cycle
(add one 30-second sprint and one 30-second jog) One 10-minute cycle
(same as previous workout) One 11-minute cycle
(add one 30-second sprint and one 30-second jog)
Week 6 One 11-minute cycle
(same as previous workout) One 12-minute cycle
(add one 30-second sprint and one 30-second jog) One 12-minute cycle
(same as previous workout)
Week 7 One 13-minute cycle
(add one 30-second sprint and one 30-second jog) One 13-minute cycle
(same as previous workout) One 14-minute cycle
(add one 30-second sprint and one 30-second jog)
Week 8 One 14-minute cycle
(same as previous workout) One 15-minute cycle
(add one 30-second sprint and one 30-second jog) One 15-minute cycle
(same as previous workout)

Gonna try to sneak in my BS later at CFC, i know ive lost strenght so well see!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Was sick last night and needed a rest today cause im feeling really weak, too bad cause i was do for some BS.