Thursday, January 14, 2010

Past days

Tuesday: 8x250 meter row

Wednesday: same as Tuesday, I've hesitated starting my modified version of strenght because I'm leaving for a few days,

I didn't keep a specific pace ,I only did this at level 1 (usually like to do it at 8) but that one feels like a level 8 right now, its not bad on my shoulder cause there's no bouncing just sore from under use, if anything i feel like the rowing is helping me with my back strenght since i cant really lift for my back.

Today, went for a good hour walk with Michelle with some hills, I forgot how just speed walking is killer, and when i think about how I use to stay in shape on top of lifting i walked allot , few miles everyday, so i think i will start with this, that running the other really made my shoulder ache and I'm still feeling like its out of place so listening to the body.

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