Wednesday, November 11, 2009


SO after getting my first MRI on my right shoulder, they still wanted to do a closed MRI on my left shoulder and my neck, the first one was an open MRI and still not very clear, anyway the reason for the Neck MRI at the same time was because I was having some Degenerative Disc Disease (ok they call it disease but its in no way progressive or contagious its just called that) SO result were yesterday, first thing is is that my cervical spine ( neck area) has 5 bulging discs out of 7 (7 in total in the cervical area) and its not a good thing at 30years of age, but i can fix that with being real carefully how I position my neck and all that stuff, i have mild pain in my neck but never thought anything of it. That was depressing to hear, then my shoulder result (not good but happy to hear) wear a fully torn bicep tendon at the shoulder, so bad they could hardy see the tendon in the MRI so that cannot heal on its own and why Ive been in constant pain all the time and its turned into severe tendinitis in my shoulders because i was compensating allot, also full partial tear in my left shoulder, and that is at the point were it heal over time or just get it fixed in surgery while there in there reattaching the bicep tendon. I go next week to meet the surgeon and explain how it will all work, they will start with a microscopic camera to look at everything and then proceed to cut and fix everything, recovery time will probably be about a month, they said shoulder surgery is good recovery but strict or everything will detach, so if i have strict recovery I will be 100% and will slow progression i will be better than new. I will probably most likely have surgery the first week of Dec, my hubby will maybe be home mid Dec so I will be able function just not forcing myself allot, ill probably have the kids in day care as much as i can till the 2ND week. I will have to wear a sling all day. The only thing I was really upset about, well I cried over the phone to my hubby saying that i don't want flabby arms, skin and bone, haha I really am paranoid about that. SO what did i do yesterday I walked uphill for an hour and did leg presses the estep gym on post.


Unknown said...

you know we'll all be happy to help with girls as you recover! glad you're getting this taken care of so quickly

Jen said...

i second what michelle said...we can watch them or even take them to hourly (cause i know you and you will insist they go there). i'm glad you finally have some answers...let us know if you need anything. and DON'T WORRY about need to get better first and foremost! you can worry about flab (which you don't have have, by the way) once you are healed. :)

KToth said...

No way you will get flabby arms in so short a time. I'm speaking from about 14 weeks of forced "rest" experience. You don't need to worry about that at all. Especially not with where you are starting from. Just like everyone had told me- you'll get back into it before you know it. I'm here for you (and I'll get creative about finding ways to help).