Saturday, May 16, 2009

Sorta Diane

155 Dl
ring dips with band for assistance

its been a long week and very busy, next week i want to concentrate on adding CFE, shoulders have actually not been hurting so much anymore with the simple exercise Ive been doing at home but i have to stay consistent on it. Was really tempted to start getting heavy on DL but not a good idea for me right now, I'm just trying to work on my speed a little or more my endurance and as much as i hate my elliptical i have been making the effort to do some intervals on it. I havent droped allot of weight but down to 153 now and I'm starting week 5 this Monday, i started at 160, and i defentily feel like its helped my performance. I carry my weight really well so i think in a couple more weeks it might be more noticeable. I'm more afraid of loosing strenght right now but just need to get that body fat level down first.

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