Friday, July 31, 2009


Ive been craving to row 5k for awhile now and was pumped for it this morning, did it in 22:50 something seconds forgot that last digit, last time i did this was awhile ago and was just over 23:minutes so not bad. Did it on level 7, gave me the itch to start rowing allot more again like i used to.
Definitely helped to have my Ipod on and get into a zone.

did a circuit of GHD sit ups and push ups and some more of that with Jen.

Now I'm finally feeling tires from this trip and i feel wiped out, been taking Naproxen lately causethe shoulder is hurting feeling the swelling which doesn't give me much range of motion.

I still need to work on overhead stuff as much as I'm paranoid to get injured more, just gotta stay light.

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