Thursday, April 30, 2009


21-15-9 reps of:
Clean 135 pounds
Ring dips

Did it with 65lbs and dips on the rings with a band under my knees to assist, I should have done 80lbs for a killer workout cause the clean part was too easy and this was my first time trying the dips on rings with a band to assist allot harder than jumping dips but that was the hardest really works the pecs and tris, time was
8:something i might try it again tonight with heavier, im not satisfied with what weight I used.


Anonymous said...

I know you might have already read this since Fit Quest is a blog you follow but since you have shoulder problems I thought you might like to read this :) The link at the bottom is to the actual article which has videos of ways to rehab shoulder injuries. Seemed like some pretty good info so I thought I would pass it on to ya :)

From FitQuest: 5-1-09

Research Material: Shoulder Rehab

First, for those of you with the Crossfit Journal you will want to check out Kelly Starret's "The Functioning Shoulder". He goes into detail explaining why we get certain shoulder injuries and gives suggestions on how to fix them. As Kelly will mention in the video, it is common for athletes to develop a weak Serratus Anterior muscle which is a small muscle connecting the scapula to the rib cage. This happens when there is an imbalance between the front load and the back load of the shoulders. For example when a person focuses on using the muscles on the front of your body( ie. pecs, etc) without balancing it with work on the rear of the back and shoulder there is a greater pull on the front. Eventually, the mobility of the "rear" part is lost and thus a weak or immobile Serratus Anterior. Essentially, it is due to excessive internal rotation. We generally do not perform external rotations( the snatch as opposed to the deadlift) thus causing the imbalance. There are ways of correcting this problem. You can begin to incorporate wall slides, Serratus Anterior exercises, and the Snatch into your warm-up. These three are found to be most effective in correcting these problems.
Second, rolling the front of the shoulder and body as well as stretching it is key. As explained earlier the front of the upper body is generally too tight to maintain a healthy shoulder. There are many methods of doing this but one that seems to be particularly effective is using a tennis ball on the front of the shoulder. This can be done by rolling the tennis ball, using the front of the shoulder, up and down the wall a distance of about two-three inches ( not much- just enough to roll the shoulder out as you would when using a foam roller on your back). Most of you already know how to stretch your pecs, delts, etc so I won't mention that here but if you dont just post your question to the comments and we'll give you some stretches to do for that.

Third, and learn about where your shoulder should be when performing movements. Learn what good posture is and start practicing it. Many times people overlook the shoulder when performing moves such as dumbbell snatches, push presses and pretty much everything else. Many of us forget to keep that shoulder in line and injury soon follows. Also, it is common to completely forget to start off anything overhead in teh proper "shelf position". Familiarize yourself with the "shelf-position" ( see the Rippetoe video below where he mentions it momentarily- its the best I could find). This position is achieved by (1) pushing the front of the shoulders forward creating a shelf for the bar, along with (2) pulling your face back as far as possible to allow the bar to pass in a straight line, (3) ensuring the front of the forearms are directly under the bar which requires the the bottom of the forearms are slightly in front of the bar. This position is necessary to accurately execute all things overhead. Poor postures ( off the shelf position) will do you in for a number of injuries mainly by putting too much stress on the shoulder( like when you overhead while your shoulders are "off the shelf" and unprotected) and not only injuring it but weakening all that anterior stuff.

Natalie said...

nice Jess, this is exactly what i have and severe bursitis, i eneded up going back to the Doc cause the exercise he gave were hurting cause the want me to go heavy, so i got more shots but that just covers some pain im always in dsevere pain i cant even explain, its hard cause im trying not to do anything overhead for the next couple of months, but i start therapy on the 12th of may so well see what they say. Gonna have to watch the video.