Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Few days

Last WOD I did was tabbata on sunday got 265 on that

Monday did DL no maxing just reps


Tuesday did 6min 30on/30off sprints


WELL did the same above sprints (doing those 3 dys a weeks increasing 1 mion each week)
I gotta say im at a plateau because Ive been eating poorly well not poorly just higher quantity my appetite is out of control and i got off track from what i was doing, thankfully the printing ive beendoing is balancing it out but thats defenitely not what im trying to do.

I went in today thinking about doing Linda which is my Favorite WOD, and when i tested out the bench i knew it wasnt happening that wieght digging into my shoulder would have screwed myself, soooooooooooooo not wanting to loose motivation i was itching all day and tonight i went to Estep on post at 630 for on hour and free day care not sure what i was gonna do, and there was a bootcamp class thinking this cant kick my butt like Crossfit, welllllll thats exactly what it was,

6min warm up on spinning bikes

then run 1 mile ( im proud to say i was right behind 2 army guys who were in pretty good shape)
then sprints in teams
then nack inside for some football drill were you drop down every 30 secs and do 5 burpees (ugh)
bear crawl then tunr over and bridge walk.
walking side squats

and a bunch of other stuff, i was surprised at first i was really sweating but it got me in the end, wasnt out of breath, so im happy with my performance, i may not be able to go heavy with the weight for awhile but at least ive gotten allot faster, i was really surprised at myself for running that mile so fast and lots of people were way behind me i havent ran longer than a couple of miles in awhile. Felt good!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great job, Nat! Glad to see that you and running are becoming fond of each other. :)