Sunday, June 14, 2009

It's 530 and we are on the road to FL, I'm already itching to workout, Friday night I did some sprints at the track. I'm planing on waking before everyone on tho vacation and getting my workout in, probably be doing allotof square and push ups and try to follow cfe, I'll have to see what kind of gym the condo has.

I will miss you all, nobody better get a MU while I'm gone, was hard enough for me to accept Ashley's MU..LOL


Unknown said...

enjoy yourself!

KToth said...

we miss you! Have fun.
Oh and about side stitches and cramps while you run- they are usually worse with sprints. If you keep running they usually go away after a half a mile if you focus on your breathing a little. And if you keep running for several weeks they'll go away all together. (I think...)