Wednesday, September 10, 2008


5 rounds for for max reps of:

Body weight bench press ( did 85lbs) could have done 95 with less reps
Pull ups ( finally actually did real kipping pull ups)
Body weight back squat. ( did body weight for this one 155lbs ,yes I'm still at 155 lbs Ive been on a plateau for over a month now but its my nutrition)

We all know i love lifting really heavy but when you add some kipping pull ups yes even only 3or 4 or 5 of them, they wipe you out, i think they are allot harder then strict pull ups, but its funny now that i could do them i want more, like its not enough, i use to get excited when i moved on to 3 bands to 2 bands then one band, now I'm frustrated because i wanna get more kippings in a row instead of only 3 or 4, i need to look back at my progress or even when i first started Crossfit and couldn't even pull myself up. Isn't it fascinating.

Oh and might i add its getting a little competitive in the its all for fun,

Jen is getting so much stronger and has phenomenal form, Michelle is getting so much faster at running, Kristin's lil prego belly is starting to show and she seems more and more motivated everyday, Tanya has amazing strenght and killer biceps, Jess is a machine and her numbers are almost in the men's categories, Dymphna is tiny but she can throw some steal around ( thanks for that expression Rick, it makes me think of a lion tearing up his prey)


D. Frazier said...

Great Job today Nat... and we all know you are not just now starting to get competitive ;) You have made amazing progress in a short period of time can you imagine yourself in a year pretty crazy! Now that you guys are kipping the competition begins!!

Unknown said...

Glad to see the-old-Nat back at it & making gains like never before. Your strength amazes me!

Natalie said...

yeah i do gotta say that im competitive at heart, i just hate it, i like where im at but i still have a little ways to go!

Jen said...

i'm amazed at the progress you've made since starting crossfit! your legs are super sexy and you are so dang strong. keep at it girl! i'll try to give you a little competition in the kipping department, but i have a feeling you are going to leave me in the dust! ;) besides, mine are way ugly! haha!

Kristin said...

Nat your numbers are so impressive to me. You always seem to put max effort into your workouts. Always impressive!