Today's WOD was 150 Wall balls for time with a 20lbs ball i used 10lbs
did it in 9: something seconds
I went in today planing on resting my lower body since it hurts to walk from all the squat snatch we did yesterday i was even trying to convince others not to do the WB today so that i wouldn't feel so bad but then Jen and her husband came in today and the all started doing it, i get all scared and worked up about something and I give up easily, trey convinces me or more like made me feel like a wuss if i didn't do it then i watched Jen do it who was just as sore and then another guy walks and starts doing and i just had to, and so i did it and i feel damm good about it, so i treated myself to an Oreo blizzard afterward and it was great. But i know you all think i am competitive but i never used to be it Crossfit that has made me that way, obviously i know others have strenght in different areas than i do, i just know that allot of time I cant get threw the WOD without the support of everyone there even if it's only Dymphna there she is motivation enough, and AWESOME work Kat.
You did great Nat I wouldn't have even done it if it wasn't for watching you. It's funny I love to workout alone but I also love to watch others workout. Well have to do a horrible workout together soon. You are very competitive which I find funny. I just block others out so I doubt I'll even notice your glances to see if you are ahead or not haha. Your competitive nature pushes everyone else which is a really good thing.
You are kicking butt! Yeah just let me know when you want to lift heavy. Im always down to throw around some weight :)
Nat, I love your competitiveness! I think it's great...and it motivates me. Trey was worried he might have egged you on too much. I'll let him know he's not in trouble! :)
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