Wednesday, July 23, 2008


OK if you can zoom in on my face that would be great.

Today I went in and Rowed

2k @ 9:27 Level 8

then i continued to do 5000m row at level 10 not for time but gain trying to strengten my upper back.

I also did some cleans, Jessica and Dymphna where there and I was up to 95lbs and was trying to concentrate and they kept telling to to think that im just putting the bar away back on the rack and its true we always do that so i just kept that in mind and it went right up no problem well a little struggle but once again D managed to capture my worst impression of an ant eater without the long trunk for a nose.


D. Frazier said...

That is a crazy PR!! I'll send you the pic in a little while.

D. Frazier said...

I resent you the pic cropped you are too much! You make me laugh...

Anonymous said...

Nice job "picking up the weight" That was an awesome PR! WHen your back gets better I see at least 105! See ya tomorrow.