Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Push Jerk



I didnt do the last round because Dymphna told me that Yvonne has tied my shoulder press so i had to try an beat 70lbs, so stubborn Natalie junped to 75lbs, wasnt going anywhere....lol, maybe when im more rested. I really think my training is improved with my Nutrition (talk about that another time cause im confused about that right now).

But today was a good day I went in this morning with alot of stress and after the WOD I rowed a good hard 30 min on level 10 not trying to get time or meters just on good form and strenghtening my back, It felt so good and it also relieved alot of anger. Kristing did amazing today, she keot getting so angry at not get the bar up and keot trying, but the point is that she has that drive now and thats what amazed me and she's just starting out. Michelle is getting alot stronger that i think she couls have gone a little heavier on her WOD. It's amazing what the human body can do it you train it and put your mind into it. Sorry about your power going out D but it was nice to row in the dark while it was raining and garage doors where open, it was therapy for me.

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