Wednesday, January 25, 2012

wednesday 25th jan

Was a nice break while visiting Jesse in NC did some track workouts and running the bleachers, kinda miss Fort Bragg for all the awesome tracks they have, i need the break ive been craving it feels like ive been pushing so hard for so long that once and awhile it does me good,

TODAYS WOD I ROWED cause y toe actually hurts allot lately since dropping the dumbell on it so might get that checked out this week, the Double unders didn't help but it feel like its going away, i thought rowing would give me a break but it smokes your quads if your pulling for speed so needless to say this was very bit aweful TIME was 15: forgot the sec was 20 something

Dynamic Warmup


Power Jumps


Speed Work


800m Run

21 DL (135/95)

21 Box Jumps (24/20)

400m Run

15 DL (135/95)

15 Box Jumps (24/20)

400m Run

9 DL (135/95)

9 Box Jumps (135/95)

800m Run

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