Friday, February 3, 2012

wed feb1st


4 by 400m Run

30 second rest between each 400m


Review Movements

Mobility after WOD

WOD: Nasty Girl Sleepover

3 Rounds of Cindy

1/2 of Karen (20/16)

Fran (95/65)

2 Rounds of Nancy (95/65)

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

1 Round of Cindy is 5 Pullups, 1o Pushups, 15 Squats

Karen is 150 Wallballs…we are doing 1/2 Karen 75 Wallballs

Fran is 21-15-9 Thruster/Pullups

Nancy is 400m Run, 15 OHS

oh my goodness 26:36 was horrible lol

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